Wednesday, November 29, 2006

excusas excusss. . . No hay Niguna buena. Susan, I'm sorry. I'm updating now!!! We're enjoying Greenville and learning something new everyday. We're worshiping with Johnson Street Iglesia de Cristo and we're driving the van. Yikes!! A fifteen passenger van has very often exceeded its limits. But. . . the kids are small and boy do we pack 'em in like sardines!!! I'm realizing that I am NOT fluent in young children's Bible songs in Spanish. I'm learning quickly though. Here are some random pics to keep everybody from being so grouchy. Granny was doing so well after her last surgery!!! Still keep praying for her. The rest of the pictures are of thanksgivin' at OUR house (that was odd---but fun) and Jorge cutting down some of our forest we call a yard.