Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back to my Grass
Kiss it. Anyways, nobody has really asked about what kind it is, idiots. It is empire zoysia. EMPIRE Zoysia, a selected native cultivar of Zoysia Japonica, chosen specifically for its ability to reduce production costs while demonstrating very desirable growth characteristics. Reduced production costs are achieved by EMPIRE's rapid expansion rate, reproduction from rhizomes, and its natural chemical resistance for easier weed control.

That last part is straight from the web, take me to jail if you want to. What I learned in my research is that everybody copies the same thing from everybody. What a harsh world.

So why did I go with it? If you guessed, Texas Monthly, you are obviously my wife. I read an article about the major issues facing Texas in the next 50 years. I figure I might be around for some of that so for once, I want to be part of the solution. awww. Just got a kiss from my wife, with lengua. She's nuts. So, the article totally talked about H2O, water. Pretty much I found out that North Texas has a bunch of water-mongers? We dump over 60% of our water on our lawns. Of course, St. Augustine (not a real saint) is the culprit. So they talked about how people should choose drought tolerant grasses or landscapes. That started my search. Zoysia was the best choice since it could live in heavy drought, was disease resistant, insect resistant, shade tolerant (lots of large oaks to shade the place), and was a popular choice for golf courses. I was sold and spent a ton of time picking out which one I wanted.

Palisades, Jamar, & Empire were my choices. Jamar & Empire were the closest to me. Empire was finer bladed...and in Rockwall, sold! That's what we got, hope one day you can see it when it's all set in. Pray that it lives!

Donations for my water bill next month can be sent to 505 Marita Rd, CASH ONLY.

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